Verifikovana stranica / Company Verified Page

Privredna komora Srbije ovim sertifikatom potvrđuje, da je kompanija, u čijem je vlasništvu ova verifikovana stranica, ispunila uslove za izdavanje ovog sertifikata. Osnova za izdavanje ovog sertifikata je bonitetna ocena i redovni nadgledanje od strane bonitetne kompanije Coface Srbija.

Chamber of commerce and industry of Serbia certifies that the company owning this website, satisfies the criteria for certification. Certification basis is credit report and regular monitoring from COFACE Serbia credit report company.

Korać R d.o.o.

Rumenački put 95a
Serbia , Futog
Flag Serbia

Podaci preduzeća / Company Information

  • Ustanovljeno /Established:
    May 27, 2003
  • Odgovorna osoba / Accountable person:
    Jelena Korać
  • Telefon / Telephone:
    +381 21 445 721
  • Fax / Fax:
    +381 21 445 722
  • E-mail / E-mail:
  • Matični br. / Company ID:
  • Poreski br. / VAT ID:
  • Slika / Image
sertifikat je verifikovan / certificate verified (SafeSigned)
powered by SafeSigned

Proverava / Verified by:

Komercijalne internet stranice / Commercial websites